Early Childhood Care

When parents work or have to be somewhere during the day, they want a place they can take their child that is safe, fun, and constructive. Assumption Catholic School offers child care for younger children 33 months or older for when school schedules and parent schedules just don’t match.
When is child care offered?

ABVM offers child care for children 33 months and older 7:00am – 5:45pm Monday through Friday and is open on school days off, snow days, and summer break. Both full day and half day options are available.

How much does child care cost?

The cost of childcare varies depending on factors such as the program type, schedule, and location. Rates may differ for full-time, part-time, and extended care options. For the most accurate pricing details, please check our Tuition Chart by clicking here.

How do I register?

Please go to our registration site, Lillio, by using the button below, to complete the necessary paperwork. Spots are limited.

How do I get more information?

For more information about child care, email Cindy Miller, Child Care Director, at childcaredirector@abvmschool1.org or call 616-361-5483 ext. 4.


Summer Camp

Early Childhood Handbook

Health Appraisal Form

Parent Notification of the Licensing Notebook

Child Information Record

Medication Form