ABVM kindergarten through eighth grade students take the MAP® (Measure of Academic Progress®) test in the fall and spring of each year. This assessment, created by the Northwest Evaluation Association™ (NWEA™), measures student growth and learning needs in order to formulate the right, individualized instruction.
What is covered on a MAP® test
The tests span mathematics, reading, language usage, and science and are personalized to each student’s academic performance. As students test, the rigor of the questions adjust based on individual progress. As a result, no two tests are the same, and the results become a precise indicator of each student’s proficiency.
What are the benefits of MAP® testing?
- Detailed student achievement information is available for teachers within 24-36 hours of testing.
- Individualized plans with target growth areas are identified for every student.
- Reports for student, school, diocesan and “Norm Group” are available.
- “RIT to Reading Range Report” is provided for each student with links to reading resources.
How does ABVM use the MAP® test?
Our MAP® test results are a great indicator of how our students perform individually and how our school performs as a whole. We can identify individual students that need specific interventions and students who would benefit from enrichment. As a school, our data indicates that in nearly every content area ABVM students are:
- Ready to learn at or above grade level.
- Performing above the national norm.
- Performing above the norm for the Dioceses of Grand Rapids.